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Конспект урока в 8 классе "Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес".

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№ 30                                                                      8 класс          Module 8b            Дата: 17.11.2023


Тема: Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес.


- образовательная: ввести и отработать лексику по теме «Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес»; повторить и отработать Present Simple and Present Continuous в разговорной речи;                                 

- развивающая: развивать навыки и умения чтения, аудирования, говорения; расширить кругозор, развивать умения прогнозирования содержания текста, развивать умения поискового и изучающего чтения; - воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к здоровому образу жизни, к спорту, фитнесу.

Речевой материал:

лексический: Sport

Формы работы обучающихся: коллективные, в группах, в парах, самостоятельная работа.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:


Коммуникативные умения (говорение): говорить об увлечениях, спорте, фитнесе; научиться описывать любимый вид спорта и спортивный клуб;

Коммуникативные умения (чтение): понимать диалог, построенный на изученном языковом материале;

Коммуникативные умения (письмо): писать фразы, употребляя лексику;

Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (лексическая сторона речи): учиться оперировать активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;

Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (грамматическая сторона речи): употреблять глаголы в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной форме.


Коммуникативные УУД: формировать навыки работы в паре, отбирать и использовать речевые средства в процессе коммуникации с собеседником, представлять в устной и письменной форме результат собственной деятельности;

Регулятивные УУД: анализировать собственную работу: соотносить план и совершенные операции, находить ошибки, устанавливать их причины;

Познавательные УУД: формировать навыки чтения, говорения и письма.

Личностные: развивать учебно­познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу, развивать навыки коллективной учебной деятельности, умения работать в паре (группе), стремления к совершенствованию речевой культуры в целом.

Оборудование: учебник, компьютер.

Электронные (цифровые) образовательные ресурсы / Аудиоматериалы к учебнику

«Английский в фокусе – 9» (Spotlight) https://prosv.ru/audio/section/spotlight.html 

Российская электронная школа


ФИПИ https://lesson.edu.ru/09/09

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент


T: Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you all.

How are you today?

What is the weather like?

What day is it today?

What day was yesterday?

What day will be tomorrow?

T. So children, I want to read a rhyme for you. I suppose it would be the motor for today’s lesson.

If a task is once begun,

Never leave it till it’s done;

Be the labor great or small,

Do it well, or not at all.

Коль уж взялся ты за дело,

Делай ты его умело,

И бросать не торопись,

Иль за дело не берись.


T: Try to guess what we are going to do today. The pictures will help you.

Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about “Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness”. We will revise Vocabulary. We will practice listening and speaking. Then you will work with your blogs. And by the end of the lesson you will be able to present your small blogs about “Healthy Lifestyle and Sport Clubs or Fitness Clubs”.

Warming up

T: What are your associations with the phrase “Healthy Lifestyle”?

Mind Map




T: We can say that we should go in for sport, eat healthy food and go to the doctor regular if we want to be healthy.


Check on Homework (Ball)

T: Now, let’s check your homework children. Your homework was to learn words and phrases with verbs play do and go. I will throw the ball and say the word. Your task is to name the phrase with the verb.

ex.3 p.124

Play: squash, cricket, rugby, badminton, tennis, water polo, volleyball, basketball, football, ice hockey, golf

Do: long jump, high jump, javelin throwing, hurdles, aerobics, gymnastics, karate

Go: windsurfing, scuba diving, jogging, swimming, cycling, snowboarding, climbing


II. Основная часть урока

Writing and Speaking

ex.2 p.124

T: Open your copybooks and write down the date. Which of the sports above are Individual sports, Team sports and Water sports?

Individual sports: long jump, high jump, javelin throwing, hurdles, jogging, aerobics, swimming, gymnastics, karate, cycling, snowboarding, golf, climbing

Team sports: squash, cricket, rugby, football, badminton, tennis, volleyball, basketball, ice hockey

Water sports: windsurfing, water polo, scuba diving


T: Now, give your copybook to your partner to check it.



T: Now, you will listen to three people talking about sport. Your task is to catch the meaning. What sport is Bill describing? Also what sport is Amanda describing? And what sport is Steve describing?

ex.4 p.124

Bill: I am on both my school team and a local team, so I have training most evenings and play in matches at the weekends. Actually, last season I was the top scorer on my school team! My sport means everything to me. Even when I’m not playing, I’m kicking a ball around in the garden.

Amanda: My dad and I have been in my village team for about three years now. I’ve been getting a lot better lately, apparently. I’ve caught a few really difficult balls recently and I scored the most runs I had ever scored in last week’s match. A lot of people say it’s quite boring to watch a whole match, because it can be quite a slow game, but my family enjoy coming down to the green and watching me play on Sunday afternoons, especially when it’s my turn to bat!

Steve: I have always lived by the sea, so I love all kinds of water sports, but this is definitely my favourite. It was quite difficult to learn at first because you have to pull up the sail, which is quite heavy, and keep your balance at the same time. Now I’m actually quite good and have even won a few competitions recently. I can’t describe to you how amazing it is to feel the power of the wind pushing you through the waves.


Bill is describing football, Amanda is describing cricket and Steve is describing windsurfing.


Video - Fitness


Speaking (Pair Work)

ex.5 p.124

In my free time I like to do lots of kinds of sports. In the summer I play tennis all the time and I quite often go swimming and scuba diving. In the winter I go snowboarding maybe once every two weeks and I play ice hockey twice a week. I have been playing tennis and going swimming for quite a long time — since I was eight. I haven’t been scuba diving for very long — only for six months. I have been snowboarding for a couple of years now and I have been playing ice hockey for three years.


Physical Activity

Проводит физкультминутку

Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can

Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can

Tap, tap, tap your knees as slowly as you can

Tap, tap, tap your knees as quickly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hips as slowly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hips as quickly as you can

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet as slowly as you can

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet as quickly as you can

Rub, rub, rub your hands as slowly as you can

Rub, rub, rub your hands as quickly as you can.


Group Work

T: Children, just imagine that you are famous bloggers. Now you will work with your blogs.  Blogs “The Advertising of Sport Clubs”. I have said that your blogs can be about Sport Club or Fitness Club.  It should be like an advertisement or a show card for your subscribers, for your followers.

T: I prepared for you sheets of paper, pictures, scissors, glue, a ruler and felt-tip pens. You can use it if you want.




  1. Представление блога. Реклама клуба. I группа.
  2. Представление блога. Реклама клуба. II группа.



T: Today I like your work. We’ve learnt about “Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness. Tell me please, what you can do?

Now I can…write about fitness club …make dialogues… talk about sport… use new words


T: What emotions do you feel? Positive or Negative, Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction, Happiness or Irritation. Choose the picture and write your name.


T: What do you suppose? What are your marks?


T: Well, children, your marks for today are …


III. Заключительная часть


T: Read the dialogue and complete the missing sentences.

ex.6a p.124

T: Read the title of the text. What do you think it is about?

The dialogue is about playing tennis.

ex.6b p.124

1 E 2 F 3 B 4 A 5 D


T: My dear pupils, you are the smartest, the nicest, the merriest. You are the best. And it’s the right time to finish our lesson and say good-bye.

Просмотр содержимого документа
«Конспект урока в 8 классе "Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес".»

30 8 класс Module 8b Дата: 17.11.2023

Тема: Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес.


- образовательная: ввести и отработать лексику по теме «Здоровый образ жизни. Фитнес»; повторить и отработать Present Simple and Present Continuous в разговорной речи;

- развивающая: развивать навыки и умения чтения, аудирования, говорения; расширить кругозор, развивать умения прогнозирования содержания текста, развивать умения поискового и изучающего чтения; - воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к здоровому образу жизни, к спорту, фитнесу.

Речевой материал:

лексический: Sport

Формы работы обучающихся: коллективные, в группах, в парах, самостоятельная работа.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:


Коммуникативные умения (говорение): говорить об увлечениях, спорте, фитнесе; научиться описывать любимый вид спорта и спортивный клуб;

Коммуникативные умения (чтение): понимать диалог, построенный на изученном языковом материале;

Коммуникативные умения (письмо): писать фразы, употребляя лексику;

Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (лексическая сторона речи): учиться оперировать активной лексикой в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей;

Языковые средства и навыки оперирования ими (грамматическая сторона речи): употреблять глаголы в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной форме.


Коммуникативные УУД: формировать навыки работы в паре, отбирать и использовать речевые средства в процессе коммуникации с собеседником, представлять в устной и письменной форме результат собственной деятельности;

Регулятивные УУД: анализировать собственную работу: соотносить план и совершенные операции, находить ошибки, устанавливать их причины;

Познавательные УУД: формировать навыки чтения, говорения и письма.

Личностные: развивать учебно­познавательный интерес к новому учебному материалу, развивать навыки коллективной учебной деятельности, умения работать в паре (группе), стремления к совершенствованию речевой культуры в целом.

Оборудование: учебник, компьютер.

Электронные (цифровые) образовательные ресурсы / Аудиоматериалы к учебнику

«Английский в фокусе – 9» (Spotlight) https://prosv.ru/audio/section/spotlight.html

Российская электронная школа


ФИПИ https://lesson.edu.ru/09/09

Ход урока

I.Организационный момент


T: Good morning, everyone! Nice to see you all.

How are you today?

What is the weather like?

What day is it today?

What day was yesterday?

What day will be tomorrow?

T. So children, I want to read a rhyme for you. I suppose it would be the motor for today’s lesson.

If a task is once begun,

Never leave it till it’s done;

Be the labor great or small,

Do it well, or not at all.

Коль уж взялся ты за дело,

Делай ты его умело,

И бросать не торопись,

Иль за дело не берись.


T: Try to guess what we are going to do today. The pictures will help you.

Yes, you are right. Today we are going to speak about “Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness”. We will revise Vocabulary. We will practice listening and speaking. Then you will work with your blogs. And by the end of the lesson you will be able to present your small blogs about “Healthy Lifestyle and Sport Clubs or Fitness Clubs”.

Warming up

T: What are your associations with the phrase “Healthy Lifestyle”?

Mind Map


T: We can say that we should go in for sport, eat healthy food and go to the doctor regular if we want to be healthy.

Check on Homework (Ball)

T: Now, let’s check your homework children. Your homework was to learn words and phrases with verbs play do and go. I will throw the ball and say the word. Your task is to name the phrase with the verb.

ex.3 p.124

Play: squash, cricket, rugby, badminton, tennis, water polo, volleyball, basketball, football, ice hockey, golf

Do: long jump, high jump, javelin throwing, hurdles, aerobics, gymnastics, karate

Go: windsurfing, scuba diving, jogging, swimming, cycling, snowboarding, climbing

II. Основная часть урока

Writing and Speaking

ex.2 p.124

T: Open your copybooks and write down the date. Which of the sports above are Individual sports, Team sports and Water sports?

Individual sports: long jump, high jump, javelin throwing, hurdles, jogging, aerobics, swimming, gymnastics, karate, cycling, snowboarding, golf, climbing

Team sports: squash, cricket, rugby, football, badminton, tennis, volleyball, basketball, ice hockey

Water sports: windsurfing, water polo, scuba diving

T: Now, give your copybook to your partner to check it.


T: Now, you will listen to three people talking about sport. Your task is to catch the meaning. What sport is Bill describing? Also what sport is Amanda describing? And what sport is Steve describing?

ex.4 p.124

Bill: I am on both my school team and a local team, so I have training most evenings and play in matches at the weekends. Actually, last season I was the top scorer on my school team! My sport means everything to me. Even when I’m not playing, I’m kicking a ball around in the garden.

Amanda: My dad and I have been in my village team for about three years now. I’ve been getting a lot better lately, apparently. I’ve caught a few really difficult balls recently and I scored the most runs I had ever scored in last week’s match. A lot of people say it’s quite boring to watch a whole match, because it can be quite a slow game, but my family enjoy coming down to the green and watching me play on Sunday afternoons, especially when it’s my turn to bat!

Steve: I have always lived by the sea, so I love all kinds of water sports, but this is definitely my favourite. It was quite difficult to learn at first because you have to pull up the sail, which is quite heavy, and keep your balance at the same time. Now I’m actually quite good and have even won a few competitions recently. I can’t describe to you how amazing it is to feel the power of the wind pushing you through the waves.

Bill is describing football, Amanda is describing cricket and Steve is describing windsurfing.

Video - Fitness

Speaking (Pair Work)

ex.5 p.124

In my free time I like to do lots of kinds of sports. In the summer I play tennis all the time and I quite often go swimming and scuba diving. In the winter I go snowboarding maybe once every two weeks and I play ice hockey twice a week. I have been playing tennis and going swimming for quite a long time — since I was eight. I haven’t been scuba diving for very long — only for six months. I have been snowboarding for a couple of years now and I have been playing ice hockey for three years.

Physical Activity

Проводит физкультминутку

Clap, clap, clap your hands as slowly as you can

Clap, clap, clap your hands as quickly as you can

Tap, tap, tap your knees as slowly as you can

Tap, tap, tap your knees as quickly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hips as slowly as you can

Shake, shake, shake your hips as quickly as you can

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet as slowly as you can

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet as quickly as you can

Rub, rub, rub your hands as slowly as you can

Rub, rub, rub your hands as quickly as you can.

Group Work

T: Children, just imagine that you are famous bloggers. Now you will work with your blogs. Blogs “The Advertising of Sport Clubs”. I have said that your blogs can be about Sport Club or Fitness Club. It should be like an advertisement or a show card for your subscribers, for your followers.

T: I prepared for you sheets of paper, pictures, scissors, glue, a ruler and felt-tip pens. You can use it if you want.


  1. Представление блога. Реклама клуба. I группа.

  2. Представление блога. Реклама клуба. II группа.

T: Today I like your work. We’ve learnt about “Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness. Tell me please, what you can do?

Now I can…write about fitness club …make dialogues… talk about sport… use new words

T: What emotions do you feel? Positive or Negative, Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction, Happiness or Irritation. Choose the picture and write your name.

T: What do you suppose? What are your marks?

T: Well, children, your marks for today are …

III. Заключительная часть


T: Read the dialogue and complete the missing sentences.

ex.6a p.124

T: Read the title of the text. What do you think it is about?

The dialogue is about playing tennis.

ex.6b p.124

1 E 2 F 3 B 4 A 5 D


T: My dear pupils, you are the smartest, the nicest, the merriest. You are the best. And it’s the right time to finish our lesson and say good-bye.


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