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Задания к обучающему видео Princess Diana

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Ребята, выполните задание по видео, которое мы посмотрели сегодня на уроке. Само видео сайта watchmojo.com под названием "Princess Diana Biography: Life and Death "доступно  на ресурсе Youtube.

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«Задания к обучающему видео Princess Diana»

Princess Diana

  1. Where and in what family was Diana born? Why was she called Lady Diana?

  2. What was Diana’s occupation?

  3. When and where did Diana and Prince Charles marry?

  4. When were their sons born? What were their names?

  5. What did Diana receive Nobel Prize?

  6. When and where did Diana die?

  7. What do you know about her funerals?

  8. What is Princess Diana remembered for?

Earl /ɜːl / – граф

Style icon / staɪl  ‘aɪkɒn / - икона стиля

AIDS = HIV - / eɪdz / - СПИД

Leprosy / ' leprosy / – проказа (инфекционное заболевание, распространенное в тропических странах)

Celebrity - / sɪˈlɛbrɪti/ - известная личность

to ban landmines – запретить использование мин

paparazzi - /ˌpæp(ə)ˈrætsi  / - папарацци (фотографы)

funerals / ˈfjuːnərəlz/ - похороны

philanthropy- /fɪˈlænθrəpi /любовь к людям


1. Princess Diana Diana Francis Spencer was born july first 1961 in Great Britain in an aristocratic family which had close ties with Britain's royal family for centuries and included illustrious members like Sir Winston Churchill. Her father became the Earl Spencer which met Diana earned the title lady.

  1. as a nanny and teacher

  2. on july 29 1981 their wedding was at st. Paul's Cathedral

  3. 1983 william was born and next year Prince Harry in September 1984

  4. nobel peace prize

  5. In 1997 in Paris

  6. Diana's funeral was televised from Westminster Abbey and millions tuned in across the worl

  7. princess diana is remembered for her philanthropy, humanitarianism, style and grace d to say their final goodbyes


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