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Задания ЕГЭ на английском языке по теме «Словообразование»

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«Задания ЕГЭ на английском языке по теме «Словообразование»»

Задания ЕГЭ на английском языке по теме «Словообразование»

1. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

The ____________ (beauty) of the sunset was breathtaking.

a) beautyful

b) beautify

c) beautiful

d) beautician

2. Form a noun from the adjective "creative":

a) create

b) creativity

c) creatively

d) creator

3. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

She is a ____________ (talent) writer who has published several novels.

a) talented

b) talentful

c) talenting

d) talentous

4. Form a verb from the noun "communication":

a) communicate

b) communicative

c) communicatory

d) communicable

5. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

He has a ____________ (success) career in the music industry.

a) successfully

b) successing

c) successful

d) successed

6. Form an adjective from the noun "imagination":

a) imagine

b) imaginating

c) imaginative

d) imaginarily

7. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

She has a ____________ (friend) personality and is always there to support others.

a) friendful

b) friendous

c) friendly

d) friendish

8. Form a noun from the verb "educate":

a) educating

b) education

c) educator

d) educative

9. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the sentence:

The ____________ (environment) organization works to protect endangered species.

a) environmental

b) environmentous

c) environmenting

d) environful

10. Form a verb from the noun "knowledge":

a) known

b) knowledgeable

c) knowledgify

d) know


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