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Сценарий к видеоролику "Школьная жизнь"

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Сценарий в котором обучающиеся 7 класса рассказывают о своей школе

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«Сценарий к видеоролику "Школьная жизнь"»

Сценарий к видеоролику «Школьная жизнь»

7 класс

1: Hi everyone! My name is ___ and I'm your new classmate.

2: Oh, hello. Nice to meet you, I'm _ and these are _.

3: Hey, ___. Has anybody shown you our school yet?

1: No.

4: Would you like us to show you our school?

1: I would like, thank you.

2: Great! But before we’ll go to the meeting.

1: What meeting?

3: Every Monday the flag is brought out and everyone sings the hymn.

1: Oh! Okay, let's go!

Линейка окончилась. The line is over

4: Now, we can start our excursion.

2: Look, this is our assembly hall. Different events take place here: discos, last calls and others.

1: Wow! It’s so big and beautiful! I like it!

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1: Oh, and what's here?

3: This is a computer classroom. Here we have our IT lessons.

4: There are a lot of computers here. But be careful, don't touch anything without the teacher's permission!

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2: Here we have a physics room.

1: Wow, so many things. There are many different interesting devices and equipment here.

3: Yes, we do a lot of experiments here.

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1: Oh, what's here?

4: This is our school gym. We have Physical education lessons here.

2: It's also the place where the sporting competitions take place.

1: What competitions?

3: For example, school basketball competitions and volleyball ones.

1: That’s great!

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1: What's there?

2: This is the Biology room. There's a lot of stuff in here, too.

3: And there's also a lot of plants here.

1: That's nice, I love plants!

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1: What’s there?

2: Oh! There’s our library.

3. Here you can get your student books.

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4: We should also show you our classrooms.

2: Our school is an unusual school, we have couches in our classrooms. Children study at them lying down.

1: Oh, I could fall asleep like that!

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3: There are children with health problems at our school, so we have special rooms for medical procedures.

1: What procedures?

3: Like massage or electrophoresis.

1: What are those classrooms for?

4: They are for medical PE.

1: What kind of lessons are these?

4: It's like a special PE class that helps us.

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1: What is this place?

2: These are the bedrooms. Some children stay at school at night from Monday to Friday.

Идут дальше:

3: Do you know what time it is now?

1: I don’t know.

2: It's lunchtime! Come with us, we can show you our school canteen.

1: Oh, let's go!

3: Before you go out to eat, you must wash your hands in the sink.

4: We've washed our hands and now we can go to lunch.

2: This is our canteen, where we eat lunch and breakfast. Each class has its own tables.

1. Oh, it’s cool.

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3: Well, we've shown you the whole school.

4: It's quite large, so watch out, don't get lost!

2: If anything, you can ask us.

1: Thank you very much. It was nice to talk to you.


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