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Профессия учителя

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«Профессия учителя»

Profession of a teacher

Task 1. Read and retell the text

Profession of a teacher is one of the most ancient professions but even today it still remains one of the most important. Teachers do not only educate their students, but bring them up and help them become part of the society.

Not everyone can be a teacher as being a teacher means being a good example. Teacher must have an immaculate reputation, be someone who his or her students can be proud of, trust and seek advice.

Teachers, along with parents, take part in the process of upbringing. Teachers help resolve conflicts and arguments, they explain the rules of behaviour and a lot more. It is very important for a teacher to find an approach to every student. Professionalism of a teacher also plays a great role.

One of such examples is my teacher of maths. I understand everything at these lessons. She is very good at explaining new material. After that one of us goes to the blackboard and we do some exercises together. Then she gives us an opportunity to practise it on our own.

During this time she comes up to every student. If somebody makes a mistake she explains what was wrong. If someone has a difficulty in understanding the material she always offers to stay after classes. Then she can explain it all over again.


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