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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The recycling loop " для 10 класса

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«Презентация по английскому языку на тему "The recycling loop " для 10 класса»

The recycling loop

The recycling loop

 Do you wonder what happens to the materials you recycle ? Think of the recycling logo with three chasing arrows.

Do you wonder what happens to the materials you recycle ? Think of the recycling logo with three chasing arrows.

Each of them represents one part of the process.  Part 1. Recycling starts when you put your rubbish in the recycling bins

Each of them represents one part of the process. Part 1.

  • Recycling starts when you put your rubbish in the recycling bins
 Part 2. A recycling truck collects all the materials and takes them to recycling facilities for sorting.

Part 2.

A recycling truck collects all the materials and takes them to recycling facilities for sorting.

New products are manufactured From there , they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured.

New products are manufactured

  • From there , they are sent to factories and new products are manufactured.
 Part 3. Recycled materials transformed into clothes and more different things!

Part 3.

  • Recycled materials transformed into clothes and more different things!
 Need your help! Buy clothes and things with the recycling logo you supports recycling !Only you can persuade manufactures to produce recycled products and save our World in clarity!!!

Need your help!

  • Buy clothes and things with the recycling logo you supports recycling !Only you can persuade manufactures to produce recycled products and save our World in clarity!!!


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