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English Grammar - варианты заданий для повторения

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«English Grammar - варианты заданий для повторения»

Ex. 1. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the models, using an adjective with the suffix "-able " ("-ible "). Make other necessary changes. (For reference see "English Grammar").

Model 1

We were prepared to accept the terms offered.

The terms offered were acceptable.

1. She was used to living in comfort.

2. There seems to be a lot of sense in his suggestion.

3. He says that he has all the illnesses that one can only imagine.

4. Be careful with the vase, it breaks easily.

5. The weather in England changes several times a day.

6. The old coal mine can still be worked.

Model 2

I could hardly recognize him.

He was unrecognizable.

1. The child was difficult to manage.

2. I saw no reason in his demands.

3. His sufferings were difficult to imagine.

4. There is no possibility to get a ticket for the show.

5. There was no mistaking the pride with which he spoke of his son.

Ex. 2. Finish the sentences with "well + one of the following words": known, informed, behaved, dressed, kept.

1. His clothes weren't very smart. He wasn't very … .

2. Ann knows quite a lot about many things. She is quite … .

3. The children were very good. They were … .

4. Many people have heard of him. He is quite …

5. Their garden is neat and tidy. It is very …

Ex. 3. Paraphrase the following sentences according to the models.

Model 1

The girl looks pretty

She is a pretty-looking girl.

1. The duty was never exorbitant because the dresses always looked simple.

2. The student works hard. He is sure to make great progress.

3. The fellow looks suspicious to me.

4. What is your impression of the man? He looks intelligent to me.

5. The house looked ordinary.

Model 2

He is known for his good nature.

He is good-natured.

1. The American lady was a woman of middle age.

2. She has a kind heart, she won't hurt a fly.

3. I like people with strong mind.

4. I never knew she had such a quick temper.

5. Have you noticed that he mostly uses his left hand?

6. The child has dark hair and blue eyes.

7. I still remember him as a boy, rather thin with a pale face, long legs and narrow shoulders.


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